Red Bulls vs. FC Dallas: A Final Look

As MLS prepares for Manchester United and the MLS All-Star Game at Red Bull Arena, let’s take a final look back at Saturday night’s draw home to FC Dallas.

Watch this video and more on the official video player.

38 Responses to “Red Bulls vs. FC Dallas: A Final Look”

  1. Alex Says:

    i just cant wait for Rodgers to be back. if he were healthy Henry and Rodgers would be competing against each other for golden boot

  2. el Says:

    I just cant wait until the team starts getting wins, as thats all that really matters.

  3. harry Says:

    congratulations to our beloved team on winning the emirates cup. First piece of silverware, lets claim the mls cup…………..

  4. Alex Says:

    i wouldn’t exactly call it silverware since its just as significant as the NY football challenge but its certainly is a step closer to some real silverware

  5. gas huffer Says:

    Fire Backe, already….

  6. JJ Says:

    What happened to this blog. Nothing about the games in London, no preview for the RSL game. You are putting as much effort into the blog as the teamed showed on the field today against Salt Lake. Way to go.

    Also, by the way, that DeRo trade for McCarty certainly worked out well. DeRo scores a hat trick and McCarty can’t make it past half time.

    • Alex Says:

      i was thinking the same. it seems like the redbulls have just about fired everyone that made this team worth watching. i gladly decided not to watch last weeks game due to the expected loss. (seems i saved myself 2 hours of misery) instead i opted to watch cupcake wars with my girlfriend and had a much better time. congrats redbulls. over the past 3 months i have struggled to follow the bulls and now the last string has broken. maybe next season ill check the score of the first 2 or 3 games and decide if i still will watch MLS.

    • Anthony S Says:

      I really wish there we’re a better blog that I could follow the red bulls on. During home games you guys advertise about this blog and you barely update it? JJ is absolutely right, nothing on the Emirates Cup, and nothing about our games…

  7. el Says:

    This team stinks, period.

  8. AC Says:

    I guess the redbullsreader is no more…oh well, another mismanaged project of RB, This team can be so pathetic!
    They have no follow through.

  9. Slayer Says:

    Mike Petke! If you are out there please come update this blog!

  10. Tim F. Says:

    Can you update fans on this blog. I hope the team gets a win this weekend.

  11. Tim F. Says:

    Welcome Stephane Auvray!

  12. Slayer Says:

    Sounds like Juan Pablo is out of LA. Too bad. Would have been fun to see him come home on the 28th.

  13. Steven L. Says:

    What happened to Juan Pablo?, he retired from L.A.galaxy?

  14. walter Says:

    No, this is what has happened. LA Galaxy have signed Robbie Keane and he will be the third D.P. as Donovan and Beckham have the other two D.P. slots. JPA is Philadelphia Union bound, which will mean we will still get to see him on our last home game of the regular season, I believe the third Thursday in October. F.Y.I.

  15. NaNo Says:

    So Phily signs Adu and possibly JPA, LA gets Keane. And we get Rost and Auvrey??? WTF RB management?? What are you guys doing upthere? Talk about fan appreciation and this is just ANOTHER slap on the face.

  16. harry Says:

    An interesting point for our next home game against LA Galaxy, Keane verses Henry. Does anybody remember about two years ago, the world cup qualifier Ireland faced France. This was the particular game where Henry used his hand/arm and assisted a goal. This caused a hugh controversy. Wow this game could get interseting. I love my New York Redbulls.

  17. sos Says:

    tickets soldout for the crew game but what was the actual attendance? there where huge vacant gaps in the uppers.

    • Slayer Says:

      The definition of sold out is apparently very open to interpretation. I wonder what it would be like if this team was winning…

      • nam Says:

        The definition of sold out is actually quite simple: all of the tickets were sold for that game. Whether everyone decided to show up is another matter…

      • Slayer Says:

        Apparently they were giving away tickets to the game. That is a way the team can claim a “sell out” even if all the tickets are not technically purchased. Let’s just say I am naturally suspicious.

  18. gigi Says:

    so……this site is becoming dead…someone pulled the plug on this or something.

    • Seconds left for my entry Says:

      Is the Redbull reader fired? I still believe it was Greg Sutton that was in charge, better hurry up and say something before they pull the…………………………………………………………

  19. irishapple21 Says:

    I think the blogger has abandoned ship like all the players have for weeks.

  20. Slayer Says:

    No more link to this blog on the red bulls home page. I never witnessed the death of a blog before. Its kind of sad.

  21. gigi Says:

    RIP redbull reader- You are like the one night stand i never had.

  22. Mark Says:

    the guy thay ran the blog probably got another job, RB have been so busy with other team related things that they havent had time to look for a replacement.

  23. Backe Sucks Says:

    RBNY blows. I want my money back. What a joke.

  24. zee Says:

    They want us to go to their Facebook page and Like it.

  25. Slayer Says:

    Go Bulls on Wednesday!

  26. Tim F. Says:

    Can’t wait for the start of the season!

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  28. Ebrima rima gai Says:

    i want to join the club i am 15 year

  29. Leo sunny Says:

    My name is Leo sunny,i live in Nigeria,am a midfielder,attacker and also a defender i play all position.Am a free agent who is reading to play with Red bulls and give my best for the team.This my contact;07063810033

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